I am Josh Banks, a commercial, industrial, aerial, architecture, product and stock photographer based in Rochester, Minnesota.
Photography has always been a hobby and passion for me. In 2009 I was laid off a career job and I decided to try stock photography to supplement my income. Now I am not looking back and my stock work has allowed me to expand my capabilities for clients. With my stock business I need to be completely mobile and I travel around with equipment most photographers leave in the studio. I am very comfortable setting up studio lights outdoors, getting into extreme situations, sometimes spending hours prepping a shoot if needed, I do what it takes to get a unique image.
If you have read this far you fit into one of three categories, either you are my parents, an ex-girlfriend or someone looking for a photographer. For my parents, yes I will correct the three errors you informed me of last week. For the ex, contrary to what your dad and the high school guidance counselor said, I do have a talent other than skateboarding and I am going to amount to something. For those looking for a capable accomplished photographer you have found the right person.
I have a proven track record of successful commercial images. From a portfolio of over 5,500 pictures and videos available at Getty Images and iStockPhoto.com, I have licensed over 55,000 images and video clips to clients around the world. These clients include Discover Magazine, Scientific American the front page of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, countless web sites and more.
I am available to discuss any of your photo and video needs. From a catalog product shot to a manufacturing line, from corporate to agriculture to a newly completed building I am ready to get the shots you need.
Rochester, Minnesota
I have a 612 area code on my mobile phone. Even though I am based in Rochester, the 612 number is stuck with me.